Monday, February 26, 2018

One-Hit Wonders

Sometimes names just don't catch on. Here are the greatest hits of names that have been used exactly one year, and then disappeared without a trace. Some of them are clearly misspellings (e.g., Mmary is most likely Mary). Some of them may be miscategorizations (e.g., a boy named Addilyn in 2016?). Some of them commemorate famous people of the time (Twiggy, Comaneci). Some may be names that are common in foreign languages, but aren't too common in the USA.

The entire list is here.

The most interesting names are listed below (BOYS greatest hits are on the next page).


Aapri 1982
Addle 1918
Adolpha 1916
Adorn 1959
Aetna 1924
Affinity 1998
Aitlin 1988
Alaxis 1998
Alegacy 2014
Alero 1997
Alexusia 1996
Alfanette 1962
Algerine 1938
Algertha 1919
Aliceteen 1938
Alpine 1920
Alwayne 1925
Alwillie 1921
Amidala 1999
Ample 1918
Anemone 2012
Anime 2009
Anisette 2005
Annexie 2007
Apples 2005
Aprecious 1999
Aquavia 2000
Arabian 1994
Archelle 1995
Argent 1926
Argentine 1920
Argyro 1974
Armetrice 1979
Aruba 2000
Athie 1932
Athlyn 1913
Attache 1988
Avajames 2016
Avamonroe 2013
Awn 1974
Azteca 1999
Barnie 1949
Barta 1935
Bartie 1936
Bas 1976
Bashy 2012
Bavan 1964
Beaney 1989
Becklyn 2016
Beenish 1988
Beige 1980
Belsy 1997
Belverly 1958
Bett 1928
Biafra 1969
Bienvenida 1977
Binaca 1990
Binky 1957
Birt 1914
Biruta 1916
Bj 1989
Bla 1983
Bleeker 1916
Blendia 1949
Blerina 2007
Blessence 2016
Blon 1925
Bloomie 1920
Bobbyetta 1954
Bonalyn 1947
Bonnibel 1993
Bonzie 1919
Brekia 1993
Brezzy 1977
Bricola 1990
Brilliance 2016
Bronica 1969
Brycie 1963
Bryndis 1957
Bubbles 1927
Burnes 1927
Cairn 1954
Calvinesha 2001
Cante 1998
Capella 2015
Cardiss 1980
Caribbean 2001
Cartlin 1987
Cassietta 1992
Castoria 1919
Caudie 1923
Celerina 2000
Cenith 1964
Cessna 2002
Ceyonce 2001
Charnissa 1974
Chartese 1983
Chassica 1984
Cheerful 1917
Cherryann 1978
Cheryla 1949
Chinesta 1954
Chinester 1930
Chunta 1977
Cind 1957
Cintra 1960
Claristine 1947
Clercie 1919
Clero 1917
Cleste 1978
Clevette 1969
Clevia 1906
Cliftina 1964
Clinetta 1969
Clodean 1918
Comaneci 1976
Condol 1951
Condola 1987
Condoleezza 2005
Conferina 1925
Connice 1953
Conola 1918
Conquista 1973
Content 1962
Conzy 1956
Cotha 1924
Coula 1919
Creolia 1917
Crettie 1923
Crosslyn 2013
Crystalgayle 1981
Cubia 1925
Curie 2016
Daffy 1962
Daintry 1958
Dalva 1953
Daviette 1953
Decca 1956
Deddie 1962
Deelynn 1969
Deneem 1964
Dennen 1964
Derlene 1958
Desnee 1951
Detri 1964
Deverly 1960
Dexiree 2004
Dobbie 1959
Dorpha 1917
Dorth 1925
Douachee 2002
Dree 1960
Drene 1946
Dretha 1930
Durlene 1935
Duveen 1930
Dwendolyn 1958
Earsley 1932
Earthel 1949
Eastlyn 2016
Elaheh 1987
Elderine 1922
Ellawee 1929
Elmerine 1920
Elysian 2014
Enchantee 1987
Enger 1964
Enzie 1898
Espanola 1927
Espie 1922
Eurasia 1993
Everdeen 2014
Evila 1940
Evilo 1915
Evorn 1950
Ewanda 1963
Exia 1919
Fallie 1914
Fame 1981
Febra 1961
Feddie 1923
Fiesta 1961
Flame 1953
Flarrie 1916
Flemmie 1922
Flodie 1915
Floraida 1923
Flourish 2016
Floydell 1941
Floydia 1932
Folia 1919
Fordie 1924
Fortunate 1922
Forum 2000
Foxy 1975
Fozie 1914
Franda 1951
Freddia 1935
Fredith 1921
Freesia 2000
Frenesi 2004
Frozine 1917
Funda 1972
Furiosa 2016
Fury 2002
Garine 1987
Gayola 1917
Gemelli 2005
Geronima 1915
Getha 1918
Ging 1979
Gladystine 1950
Gleeta 1920
Gloretha 1955
Gloryvee 1975
Gogi 1957
Gonzella 1950
Gordean 1962
Graple 1920
Greda 1968
Grinda 1963
Grovene 1926
Gwan 1957
Halcy 1918
Hartie 1919
Hashley 2006
Hathaway 2016
Hazy 2005
Heavenlyn 2005
Heavenor 1977
Heller 1963
Heron 2011
Hisa 1918
Hla 2009
Howardine 1918
Hozel 1918
Hubbie 1934
Hughlene 1942
Huldia 1913
Ibiza 2014
Iceland 2009
Ideal 1919
Ilmi 1919
Indian 1984
Iota 1916
Isal 1895
Issie 1922
Jazette 1969
Jennedy 2008
Jeopardy 1983
Jeresa 1985
Jerkiya 2008
Jete 1991
Jetlyn 2014
Jeyshangelise 2014
Jhan 1952
Jogina 1970
Jouette 1932
Kaige 2012
Kaolin 2007
Kar 1992
Karriem 1975
Kastle 2015
Kaywin 1988
Keanua 1995
Kebbie 1959
Kelaine 1968
Ker 1989
Kethry 1996
Ketsy 1969
Khepri 2009
Kibbie 1957
Kiffin 1978
Kimberland 1964
Kimbla 1964
Kine 2003
Kinshasha 1975
Kreelynn 2013
Kurtlyn 2005
Lacelyn 2013
Lachic 1979
Lahonda 1960
Lashley 1991
Latangie 1959
Latissue 1979
Lauda 1910
Lazuli 2016
Leady 1924
Leester 1922
Lethe 1926
Leven 2013
Levity 2006
Lexin 2016
Lica 1960
Linen 2013
Litany 1985
Lodia 1921
Logene 1930
Lordina 2015
Lordine 1930
Lotha 1918
Loubelle 1918
Lovann 1960
Lowe 2009
Loycie 1921
Luxanna 2014
Lycinda 1968
Mabinty 2006
Maine 1898
Majorlynn 1935
Maleficent 2015
Maltie 1927
Malvie 1908
Mandala 1976
Marba 1925
Marijuana 1972
Marqueen 1935
Marshie 1930
Martharee 1923
Marvilla 1926
Matney 1998
Maudra 1930
Maxola 1921
Mazelyn 2016
Mazle 1926
Mealie 1916
Mecie 1919
Melaniece 1995
Melanin 2016
Melbra 1953
Mellow 1939
Melna 1919
Melverine 1925
Melvonia 1962
Mentie 1920
Merchelle 1968
Merlot 2009
Mersha 1898
Midnight 2005
Millison 1921
Minga 1957
Mintha 1905
Mishie 1916
Molla 1906
Momie 1918
Moncheri 1988
Monzella 1942
Motie 1913
Moy 1924
Muffy 1978
Muggie 1924
Mura 1946
Musie 1923
Myrne 1917
Nacirema 2009
Nanor 1991
Narnia 2006
Narsis 1903
Natural 2004
Navidad 1999
Neepa 1983
Nekki 1970
Nelba 1955
Nervia 1920
Nevaehtnes 2010
Nevart 1921
Niche 2001
Nimmy 1991
Nin 1998
Nincy 2004
Nitzy 2001
Nixola 1913
Nna 1987
Nodra 1939
Nole 2005
Norda 1935
Normia 1939
Nouvelle 2008
Ocella 1926
Odra 1907
Oella 1921
Okal 1915
Oklahoma 1907
Onis 1921
Ontaria 1997
Oracle 2015
Oriole 1928
Orsola 1920
Oshie 1908
Otsie 1922
Pacifica 2010
Pageant 1967
Palmera 1917
Pantha 1888
Paria 1998
Passionae 2001
Passionate 1977
Patress 1965
Pavelle 1984
Pear 1923
Pearletha 1950
Pellie 1899
Pene 1968
Penola 1917
Pensacola 1916
Percious 1987
Perfect 2007
Personna 1963
Petite 1960
Phenie 1896
Picabo 1998
Pippi 2016
Pixley 1958
Plassie 1921
Platinum 2002
Plum 2011
Poe 2014
Poem 2008
Polaris 2010
Pomposa 1929
Prenella 1951
Pretto 1914
Prynn 2014
Queency 2010
Queenell 1925
Quella 1918
Racelyn 2012
Rapunzel 1959
Rathany 1989
Rean 1962
Regna 1922
Rhode 1989
Rhond 1968
Richette 1972
Rictoria 1991
Ridgely 2006
Ripsi 2007
Ritzy 2004
Ronisue 1967
Ronke 1972
Rowrenia 1955
Roylynn 1948
Ruella 1921
Sagine 1984
Salida 1988
Sametta 1943
Sandal 1948
Sandry 1958
Sayonara 1958
Schrie 1979
Seasons 1978
Selester 1925
Senorina 1925
Senorita 1947
Sepia 1973
Sewilla 1924
Shalo 1975
Shamber 1991
Shamorrow 1980
Shander 1969
Sharocka 1979
Shastity 1979
Shawntane 1978
Sheil 1966
Sheraldine 1963
Sherokee 1987
Shie 1997
Sierraleone 2013
Siesta 1957
Silence 2005
Silk 1993
Sincerely 2006
Sinforosa 1915
Smyrna 1981
Snoda 1917
Sobra 1958
Sochi 2014
Soda 2000
Son 1957
Sone 1962
Sophialauren 2009
Soyoung 1996
Splendora 1923
Spontaneous 1987
Stara 1978
Starcia 1974
Stardust 1977
Starlisa 1980
Starri 2012
Startasia 1995
Sterline 1923
Stevena 1997
Sunbeam 1919
Sunrise 1980
Suprenia 1971
Swanda 1960
Swendy 2006
Syntyche 1984
Sytha 1928
Taaffe 1978
Taffeta 1966
Talexis 1997
Tammis 1955
Tangle 1971
Tanglia 1972
Tangular 1967
Tante 1979
Tantra 1979
Tar 1982
Tayne 1966
Teenie 1922
Tefta 1921
Tency 1934
Tendria 1990
Tenora 1921
Tesley 2016
Testimony 2016
Thadine 1954
Thawann 1984
Thayle 1936
Thedy 1964
Theonita 1957
Theopa 1918
Thistle 2012
Thomesa 1981
Thorine 1923
Thurman 1928
Thursie 1928
Tippany 1982
Tivoli 2008
Tootie 1958
Toots 1915
Torris 1973
Toxi 1954
Toyce 1975
Toyota 1970
Tpring 1977
Treda 1966
Trema 1970
Tribeca 1993
Trier 1991
Trillis 1934
Triscilla 1991
Trissie 1972
Triste 1974
Trivian 1964
Trudence 1948
Trunetta 1982
Trystal 1987
Tudy 1952
Twiggy 1967
Twina 1969
Twynette 1974
Umber 1995
Uranus 1969
Utica 1977
Uzella 1914
Vae 1934
Valency 1972
Vancy 1925
Vandalia 1930
Varnie 1915
Velcie 1925
Verbia 1933
Verilea 1936
Vernesta 1959
Versailles 2016
Versal 1922
Veruca 2016
Vick 1912
Vilene 1955
Vine 1919
Vinyette 1985
Vionette 1965
Vitula 1928
Void 2004
Volare 1977
Vulnavia 1976
Wachovia 1991
Waldena 1921
Wavelyn 1944
Westonia 1919
Wyzetta 1958
Xally 2005
Yizza 1984
Yone 1915
Yosemite 1993
Yuba 1920
Zay 1918
Zeborah 1957
Zody 2008
Zshakira 1983
Zubie 1918
Zudie 1898

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This list is really interesting, but I want to point out that Anori isn’t a one-hit wonder anymore, because it actually had 6 occurrences in 2017.