Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2018 Top 4000 in England and Wales

I have compiled the list of top names for England and Wales for 2018. The Data is from the UK Office of National Statistics.

The full lists, grouped by spellings here:

2018 Girls: England and Wales
2018 Boys: England and Wales

This year I did something a little different. The current trend, especially for girls, is to give hyphenated names. So, in addition to the regular list, there is an additional worksheet (click on the tabs at the bottom) that groups hyphenated names together with their primary name. For example, the statistical count for Lily would also include Lily-Rose, Lily-Mae, Lily-Jane etc. For boys, Bobby would also include Bobby-Joe, Bobby-Jack etc.

Grouping names together like this doesn't change the top 10 all that much, but it does give names a boost that are less popular. For example, the name Billie for girls, without double-name inclusion ranks at #345. When you include Billie-Rose, Billie-Rae, Billie-Jo etc., its rank climbs to #288.

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