Tuesday, July 09, 2013

2012 top Boys' Names: preliminary list

I've been working on grouping the SSA top 7000 names by spelling. I already did the girls' list and have been working on the boys' names. Here's what I have so far-- I'm going to go back and re-check the results, but the top names probably won't change much.

1. Aiden
2. Jackson
3. Jayden
4. Jacob
5. Mason
6. Ethan
7. Kayden
8. Noah
9. Michael
10. Liam
11. William
12. Alexander
13. Elijah
14. Matthew
15. Daniel
16. Anthony
17. James
18. Caleb
19. Christopher
20. Benjamin
21. Joseph
22. Joshua
23. Andrew
24. Logan
25. David
26. Lucas
27. Brayden
28. Christian
29. Landon
30. Gabriel
31. Jonathan
32. Isaac
33. Dylan
34. Samuel
35. Ryan
36. Nicholas
37. John
38. Cameron
39. Nathan
40. Carter
41. Connor
42. Isaiah
43. Luke
44. Owen
45. Colton
46. Gavin
47. Jordan
48. Dominic
49. Aaron
50. Eli
51. Wyatt
52. Jeremiah
53. Henry
54. Evan
55. Hunter
56. Julian
57. Jack
58. Jace
59. Tyler
60. Grayson
61. Adrian
62. Zachary
63. Austin
64. Brandon
65. Levi
66. Jason
67. Sebastian
68. Angel
69. Robert
70. Charles
71. Thomas
72. Josiah
73. Bentley
74. Eric
75. Tristan
76. Kevin
76. Xavier
78. Carson
79. Chase
80. Blake
81. Ian
82. Jose
83. Damian
84. Justin
85. Bryan
86. Oliver
87. Giovanni
88. Adam
89. Cooper
90. Parker
91. Bryson
92. Nathaniel
93. Colin
94. Brody
95. Miles
96. Steven
97. Nolan
98. Sean
99. Luis
100. Juan


  1. Hey! Your blog became a useful reference for them who looking for baby names. If you should baby names with meaning, you will discover my site on baby names and other babies studies to be useful.

  2. 7000 root-names is enough without even adding in all of the other spellings. I applaud your hard work! Thank you for these lists. :)

    Kara @ The Art of Naming
