Thursday, April 04, 2013

ii is the new i

Remember when people were cute, and started spelling names with an "i" on the end? You probably know a Kristi or a Kelli, a Brittni or an Ashli. The new(ish) trend is to spell these names with "ii" on the end. You know, like the plural of radius is radii, the plural of Brandius is Brandii? Or not. Anyway, here are some names spelled with -ii, and the first occurrence of them showing up in the SSA database.

Alanii    2010
Amanii    2001, Amonii    2009, Emanii    2008, Emonii    2010
Amarii    1998
Amii    1979
Armanii    1997, Armonii    2010
Ashantii    2002
Ashlii    1989
Aubrii    2009
Averii    2011
Brandii    1973
Brittanii    1992, Brittnii    1989, Bryttnii    1991
Calii    2011,
Kalii    2009
Charlii    2008
Cynii    2007 -- I think this may actually represent /syn EYE/-- "ii" is also used as a long "i" sometimes.
Demii    2010
Destinii    2007
Ebonii    1987
Harmonii    2005
Honestii    2010
Imanii    1997
Jamii    1983
Janaii    2007 -- This is probably Janay or Jan-eye
Janii    2006
Jermanii    2011
Journii    2009
Kalanii    2011
Kamarii    2007
Kaylanii    2011
Kaylii    2009
Kennedii    2011
Kylii    1996
Leilanii    2010
Lexii    2009
Lorii    1957, Pattii    1957, Nikkii    1969, Vickii    1948 -- since these are awfully early for -ii names, and they didn't show up much, they may be typos.
Macii    2011
Makenzii    2010, Mckenzii    2010
Marlii    2010
Mylii    2008
Naomii    2009, Nyomii    2011
Natalii    2007
Pariis    2010-- not an -ii ending, but still.
Rylii    2010
Shanii    2011
Skii    2004 - This is probably Skye and not Ski!
Sydnii    2001
Tomii    1980
Tonii    1996
Torii    1970
Zoeii    2011, Zoii    2007