Monday, April 21, 2008

Poor Mandy...

I found the following name:

Amanda Lynn Blowe

This poor girl not only has the annoying combination of Amanda Lynn (like a mandolin), but Amanda Blowe? Were her parents really that clueless? Or did they just have a sick, sick sense of humor?


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Hi there! I'm also very interested in names, ever since I could read and write. This is not a comment, sorry, but I'd like to ask u for help! I'm writing a master's tesis, it's title is "English (American) influence on naming in Bulgaria" and it's very dfficult to find any books on this topic in English in my country! I tried the Internet too but I had no luck! It seems they don't upload books about names - no dictionaries, no theory, nothing! And it's very expensive for us Bulgarian students to just buy them or order them from foreign libraries... I need books in English. Any ideas??? Please, help!!!

  2. Mary Jane Manson6:11 AM

    Lol gotta love the world overflowing with cluelessness
