Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1930 Names - Boys

I finished the top names of 1930 for boys. Here it is!

Top names of 1930 - BOYS

There were some interesting names in 1930. Wow.

There were lots of ranks, offices and titles (numbers are how many kids got that name in 1930):

Admiral 8
Colonel 13
Commodore 12
Council 8
Doctor 6
Duke 33
General 47
Governor 12
Judge 51
Lawyer 31
Lieutenant 5
Major 143
Minor 24
Pastor 5
President 5
Prince 63
Proctor 7
Saint 6
Sargent 5
Squire 5

I shouldn't get too excited-- Judge, Duke, Prince, and Major still show up on name lists in the 21st century... but Lieutenant? And I'm glad I'm not named Minor!

There were some good adjectives:
Bland 6
Craven 7
French 13
Handy 11
Moody 15
Real 11
Reedy 8
Smiley 10
Worthy 7

and even better nouns (and a couple of verbs):
Almond 14
Author 51
Choyce 6
Cluster 8
Custer 7
Dock 86
Ell 5
Ether 5
Excell 8
Fines 5
Fleet 11
France 8
Glade 17
Gleen 14
Harm 9
Less 9
Luster 18
Metro 6
Orange 11
Other 7
Ova 13
Oval 8
Quince 5
Ruble 12
Shafter 8
Square 5
Toy 18
Trellis 6
Veto 5
Wales 5
Wash 18

1 comment:

  1. Re Sergeant. I was in the army in the 60s and we had as our Co a Major Sergeant, and, unrelated, an NCO Corporal Sergeant, who was later promoted to Sergeant Sergeant.If I remember rightly Catch-22, by Joseph Heller, has a number of characters with double names.

    As for Craven and Smiley, one of the best tv series ever made, The Edge of Darkness-made in the mid 80s-had as a main character an detective named Craven, played by the inimitable late Bob Peck. And one of the great writers in English, and the master of the spy novel, John le Carre, had as him central character in a series of novels a George Smiley.

    In you next post talking about Willowdene and its variations I have just been in contact with an America woman about genetic genealogy whose given name is Willowdene. You also mentioned as a source Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. I went to a country school in the 1950s and we had to wait about half an hour after school was ended to catch the school bus home. One year our teacher would read novels to us in the half hour, and she read Hans Brinker. I can remember the ice and skating-we don't have any of that where I live in Australia-so it was memorable. She also read a book set in Hungary, about a horse stud, but I have never been able to remember its name.

    Cheers and all the best
    Kevin Brewer
